Friday 21 September 2007

Arigatou Minna!

Hee thanks to all who wished me today~

Credits :-
Ghey son Shanie for your 'Happy Gay Day' song
Yumimi for your wish, the Hikago DVD and writing in the card
Riina for your wish
Bone for your box of caramel sticks and writing in the card
Prasanna and Malati for your wish and for writing in the card as well
The whole of PBC for singing me the birthday song
Mei Yan, Poh Sim and Ebil Twin for your wishes on facebook

Love you g(a)ys<3

P/S : Must watch Ginatama. It's the stupidest anime I watched apart from Yakitate!! Japan.

Monday 3 September 2007

Back from hibernation...?

Okay okay I know I've practically been hibernating... but with good reasons!!! Good reasons I say! My tragic tale is still continuing (that of me being able to use the computer only 1 and a half hours a DAY) and with only said time available for me to use dear comp, I barely had time to update this blog. Which is why I went into hibernation mode. Okay I know that in my last post (about a month and 13 days ago...) that the next post, meaning this, is going to be rants on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, but the thing is, I just can't bring myself to type it out. It's like ever since I read the very last word in it, and shut the book, part of me died. Yes HP was, and still is, a very important part of my life. And with the conclusion of it, there's not much for me to look forward to. Now let's skip this sepulchral mood, shall we? I'll probably rant on it some other time... yeah... probably. I had my monthly test on the very beginning of August, and it was pure tragedy. My results, as expected, were highly laughable. Hmm... not a very good start to the month, eh? But wait - I passed my violin practical with merit! According to my teacher, my examiner was(is?) a highly meticulous person, and many candidates failed under him (including the poor Grade 1s). I'm mighty thankful for passing - was worried stiff. And thanks to mom being overly obsessed with her MMORPG that she even ordered items online, I got to buy Gakuto-sama's Returner~Yami no Shuen CD!! Was ecstatic when Mr. Postman came bearing my parcel <3 And I entered the AXN Pirate Masters contest and actually won the consolation prize which consisted of a plastic folder, a T-shirt and a card holder. Seems like August is a pretty good month after all X3 Oh yea, there was a really stupid incident in Borders where I was browsing mangas. I had in my hand "Same Cell Organism" and my mom, standing some distance away, somehow decided to look at the book in my hand and said out loud "What? Same Cell Orgasm?" I totally went =_____=llll at that time. Thank God no one was within earshot =.= Nyan Clarissa a.k.a Ebil Twin a.k.a Imposter left for US last last Tuesday (or Tuesday on the week before last, if you prefer) and we had a small 'reunion' the Saturday before she left. Saw Yueh Phing a.k.a Mei-yan and Wei Leng again after not seeing them for so long (/swt this sentence sounds ghey) [Riina don't bash me cause I see you in school daily =o=] It really was fun fooling around just like the old days :D Going to miss Clar loads. All the best nyan! I think I've typed out quite alot for now... need to use the remaining time to read up my Hikaru no Go mangas ^^ Till next time, sayounara!

||Firesky - out||

Teh much-awaited package 8D

How nice. It came with a free J-rock booklet-magazine <3

Front cover XD

The prettyful(just one of my random ghey words) CD *__*

Finally - the back cover >D

Saturday 21 July 2007

All good things must come to an end...

Finally. The anticipated day arrives. Went to bed at 9.00 p.m last night and was rudely awoken by a phone call by Riina at 11.00 p.m. Awoke in the middle of the night at 1.00 a.m and thought it was already 5.00 a.m. Awoken by my alarm at 3.00 a.m. Decided not to go back to sleep any more. Whiled away the hours by re-reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and finally departed for Pacific at 6.00 a.m. Was the first to arrive, and a few more people started to show up around 6.45. Was very eager to be the first in line and thankfully I -AM- the first in line. Waited with bated breath for 7.01 to arrive... the minutes passed, then seconds... and finally! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released from the sealed boxes in which it was contained worldwide (give or take a few seconds). I am very enthralled to be one of the first people to hold and open the saintly book. Wasting no time, my eyes absorbed the words of Chapter One hungrily... Ten hours later, feeling satisfied yet hollow, I am forced to accept the cold, hard truth that the journey has come to an end. J.K Rowling has not, however, disappointed me. The ending made it clear that there will be no possible way for this wonderful series to ever continue, and that all magic will be lost if she somehow decides to write the eighth book : Harry Potter and the Never-ending Quest (this is just made up by me, in case you were wondering). Seven years I have faithfully followed the characters and their perilous journey, and as one can imagine, it will be painful to say goodbye. I can only say this : "Though I shall read no further of the series, the magic it has spread will continue to live in my heart."

[Next post : Thoughts on the book *Major-Spoiler Alert*]

Friday 20 July 2007

*screams hysterically*

ZOMGGGGGG Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows a.k.a the last a.k.a the final instalment in the Harry Potter series is about to be released in practically 12 hours!!!!!! I'm feeling mighty disorientated at the moment... The worst thing is that I actually have to go to school from 8.00-10.00 a.m tomorrow >=( Two whole hours of reading wasted! A part of me is feeling extremely ecstatic and excited over it, while another part of me is feeling a huge sense of loss. I mean, there's only 12 hours left for the fans to speculate about the books, and after that, it's complete. No more speculations. Every single mystery (most) solved. And there's nothing else for me to look forward to. Honestly this series has been what's keeping me going all this while. I really don't know why I feel this way. I mean, I don't go all crazy/upset over a book/series that's reaching it's end. Take the Darren Shan Sagas for example. I wasn't -this- anticipated to read the -twelfth- and final book. Sure, I feel somewhat dispirited when an anime I love (and an anime that has been going on for PLENTIFUL episodes - say, more that 50 epis?) comes to a conclusion, but never quite like this. This really is absurd, come to think of it. What magic have you embedded in your books, Mrs. Rowling? Anyway, I plan on finishing the book tomorrow, so - SPOILER ALERT!! XP Here are some things I would like to express before the whole world unravels the mystery.

#1 : I believe Snape to be loyal to Dumbledore than to The Dark Lord with a ratio of 51:49 Sure, he might not be loyal to anyone in particular, but... we'll just leave that out, shall we? <3

#2 : Sirius might be dead, but he is not gone. He will most certainly play a part in the final book. I believe all souls to be beyond the veil in the Death Chamber.

#3 : Somehow the fact that almost -everyone- is speculating that Harry dies makes me think otherwise... would J.K Rowling really be so straightforward?

#4 : I WANT TO READ MORE ABOUT DRACO!!!!! <---- very random

#5 : I sincerely believe that even though the Potter Mania might die down a little after the release of this seventh book, this remarkable story will remain in the hearts of all true fans for a lifetime.

#6 : I really can't bear to say goodbye T___T

Wednesday 18 July 2007

Insolent thief / In loving memory of Calculator-chan

Because I was rushing to pack up yesterday, I accidentally left my calculator under my desk. I was so worried and when I checked under my desk today, calculator-chan was gone. As in, GONE. Some worthless midget who has no morale values whatsoever just took it. And that wasn't what pissed me off the most. That bloody fool actually had the nerve to tear off my Riku sticker and left it on the desk behind mine. I mean like, what a fool (s)he is. If you want to take my calculator, why did you even leave evidence that you stole it? Supposedly a bunch of afternoon session kids used our class on Tuesdays for 'Agama' class. Well I can tell you this - that miserable wimp is a bloody hypocrite . His/her 'agama' teaches people to steal? Wow, what kind of religion is that? Some kind of cult? Even my 'so-called cult' doesn't teach people to steal. Honestly, people nowadays have such poor moral values. Pitiable pathetic kid, (s)he doesn't even have the money to buy a calculator.

|| In loving memory of Firesky's calculator which has served her faithfully over the past 5 years, Firesky misses you alot. Firesky is not confident that she will be able to reclaim you, as that low-life has probably resorted to all means to make you unrecognisable. Please do Firesky one last favour and malfunction/go haywire for that pitiful filth who has you now. Firesky will remember you as long as she doesn't lose her memory. Love always ||

Friday 13 July 2007

Not up to my expectations...

Just watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with mum and Riina after school. And yes you've expected it - I was most displeased with how the movie turned out. They changed practically -everything-! Only certain parts remained true to the books. I don't suppose I'd rant on -all- the differences. Well, I could, but that'd just take about 700 pages. You wouldn't want that, now would you? But I must say, the part which disappointed me the most was Snape's memory. "Snape's Worst Memory" has got to be one of my favourite chapters in the book, and the movie did it no justice whatsoever. How Harry saw Snape's past was wrongly done. Harry saw Snape's past in the -pensieve-, not by repelling Snape's curse with "Protego!". Harry saw a young Snape crying while his parents were arguing and shooting flies in a room when he did that. But no, the movie decided that Harry was to see Snape being tormented by James at that moment. That was still tolerable. What -wasn't- tolerable was the fact that my favourite part in the book was only given approximately ten seconds on film. Snape's memory IS the main reason I was so looking forward to this movie. And I couldn't even see the good-looking young Snape properly. It was all over in a matter of seconds. Worse still, I didn't even manage to make out which one was the young Sirius. I was very put off by this. Draco Malfoy made a rather pitiful amount of appearance in the movie, too. I was hoping to see more of Draco, and was yet again let down. The film makers could have done better with the Department of Mysteries scene. The movie only portrayed the Hall of Prophecy and the Death Chamber, effortlessly leaving out the 'brain room', 'time room' and not to mention the revolving doors. The battle could've been much better, really. Ah, one thing the film makers messed up big time - wizards wear -robes- to work, not suits. And if you thought Harry was moody in the movie, read the book and feel Harry's wrath full force. Still, I have to give some credit to the movie. The graphics were absolutely stunning (save the fact that the Thestrals were golden brown instead of black and had no mane whatsoever, and that Grawp wasn't exactly how I pictured him to be) and I have to grudgingly admit that it makes a rather good movie if you hadn't read the book. I forgot to mention that Imelda Staunton made a highly convincing Umbridge. I despised her in the book, and I despised her almost as much in the movie. Everything, from Staunton's expression, intonation and her annoying smile reminded me of Umbridge, apart from the fact that the Umbridge I had in mind was much more toady-looking. Evanna Lynch played her part as Luna Lovegood relatively well, too, what with her dreamy expression and voice. On the whole, this movie is rather fun to watch if you aren't a Harry Potter reader, but ultimately disappointing if you are an avid fan of the books (They left out Quidditch, how could they?). My verdict : 3.7/10 compared to the book, 7.8/10 for the movie alone.

Tuesday 10 July 2007

A Detailed Study of Harry Potter

Was sitting in bio class, feeling extremely drowsy (Our bio teacher is the reincarnation of Professor Binns, trust me), so I decided to do something to wake myself up - list down all my speculations on the final Harry Potter book. Here they are :-

#1 - More torturing for Umbridge! Oh, how I'd love to see (read?) her suffer! That old toad! >D

#2 - Alice and Frank Longbottom somehow recovers a little and take part in the final battle. Gosh, maybe Neville's the one ending up dead!

#3 - Luna has an important/interesting past which turned her into the dreamy/eccentric girl that she is.

#4 - The reason Dumbledore trusts Snape so is because... I have no idea =o= *loud boos + random stuff flies in my direction*

#5 - Harry's not going to die. Ron/Ginny died in his place (as in, became a shield so they died instead of Harry). This is what made Jo Rowling so upset. An act of pure friendship! Maybe Harry's going to get another scar?

#6 - Viktor Krum makes yet another appearance. Hmm... how'd Ron react, I wonder? ~-^

#7 - Harry returns to Godric's Hollow and stays there when he comes of age. Perhaps a horcrux will be found there? Maybe Harry -isn't- the horcrux after all, but You-know-who left a horcrux there while cursing Harry?

#8 - If Harry is indeed a horcrux, he definitely needs to destroy himself before destroying You-know-who. Maybe he kills himself and someone else, most probably Ron or Hermione finishes You-know-who straight after that.

#9 - The final battle will take place in the archway (Death Chamber) in the Ministry of Magic.

#10 - Everyone from the DA (okay maybe not -everyone-) joins the Order and helps Harry in his battle.

#11 - There is more to Dumbledore than meets the eye. He was in so much pain when he drank the liquid in The Cave where the horcrux was. What could he have possibly experienced that tortured him so?

#12 - Regarding #4, it has something to do with the prophecy... I'm sure of it!

#13 - The chamber with the archway is named 'The Death Chamber'. Could it possibly mean that death is being studied there? The name 'Death Chamber' sounds like a statement that Sirius is indeed dead.

#14 - However, Lupic did say "He can't come back, because he's d-". Harry cut him off, saying "He's not dead!". But the thing is, Lupin never did finish his sentence. 'D-' could easily stand for 'disappeared'.

#15 - Sybill Trelawney will make yet another prediction/prophecy before the battle.

#16 - Aunt Petunia and Lily Evans are important keys to the story. Perhaps Aunt Petunia knows more than she's letting on - she could even remember Dementors.

#17 - Lupin didn't consume the potion and changes into a werewolf, hence he had no idea what he's doing and ended up hurting somebody [highly unlikely]

#18 - Death is indeed studied in the Death Chamber! Nearly Headless Nick said so! (OoTP, pg. 759) So maybe the veil contains spirits trapped there? And Luna did say that her mother is 'behind the veil'. Maybe all the dead are there? Which means Sirius might be dead, but not -gone-. [highly possible]

That's all I could think up of... for now anyway. Will add on more in the future if I can think of any! Kindly comment if you agree/disagree with me <3

Saturday 7 July 2007

This looks fun 8D

Friday 29 June 2007

*Crashes down on nearest couch*

Today is practically one of the most tedious days of my life. I went to school as usual, and we had a 'mini-test' during the very first period. I screwed up (as usual). I was so worried, as it is considered as 50% of our monthly test. Next, we had THREE periods of chemistry, where we had to listen to the ghey computer 'speak'. I told my classmate, "Next time you can't find a job, don't worry. Just go straight to the Kementerian Pendidikan and tell them you want to dub the educational CDs." I swear, the narrator was reading ever so slowly. And I complained about American dubs (especially RPG games). This, my dear readers, is at least 3x worse -.- Anyway, after school, I waited for my dad's friend to pick me up. I told him school's over at 12.15. I waited for an hour. Holy cows, the traffic was amazingly appalling. Then later in the evening, I went to visit my dad again. And yes, it's a Friday. It's a Friday -evening-. Traffic was once again a huge pain in the @$$. All in all, travelling is SO not fun. Especially with crazy traffic. But yeah my dad's pretty fine now and he'll most probably be discharged tomorrow 8D

Thursday 28 June 2007

Get well soon, dad

My dad was feeling mighty unwell yesterday, and after consulting a doctor, he had to be admitted to the hospital. The doctor said his ulcer was striking back again, and his condition was pretty serious. Skipped school today to visit dad in Adventist Hospital, Penang. His condition was pretty much stable, thank heavens. Bought a LOAD of bread and buns at the bakery. Their bread is nice :D (yet again I wish to stress that I do NOT receive commissions for introducing stuff...) Later, on the way back, stopped by Meijiya and bought another load of... food... (or should I say groceries) which totalled up to a whopping RM100++ -__-lll Yes Japanese food is nya-ing expensive =o= Neway hoping my dad will recover soon.

Tuesday 26 June 2007

I screwed up D:

Yes, I screwed up in my MUET Speaking Test today. I was already bloody nervous about it, then teacher had to add salt to my wounds by saying that the marks will be taken into consideration for the end of year exam. I was pretty nervous during my session, and I screwed up big time in my second task. The task asked us to choose only one best factor, and I had to mention all four are equally important. I'm effing disappointed in myself for not reading the question carefully. Because of that, I only received a bloody 37 marks out of 45. Yes, for most other people (including you, dear reader) I might sound as if I have too high an expectation of myself, and I'm greedy, but Firesky is not used to being second in English. Yes I'm a highly egotistical person. But that's me. I don't care about any other subjects, but English is my only pride and joy. I pride myself highly in my speech and writing, and I feel very disappointed if a total random stranger fares better than me, especially by a margin of just one mark. Back in my old school, I do recognize Yengie and Leanne as people who have a great command of English, but that's because I've known them for quite a long period of time. I don't care what people think about my attitude on this, but that's just me.

-Edited post-

Okay fine. This is Firesky re-typing the previous post - in a more subtle manner, though I will not take down that post, as a reminder of how out of control I can get when I'm infuriated. I'm finally not shaking with anger, though I will never forgive nor forget what that child of filth has done. I should blame no one but myself, really, for ever being 'friends' with that scum at one point of my life. Ah, but life works in funny little ways, doesn't it? What should I care if that horrid creature did something to make herself cheap? All I can do is shake my head in pity at her childish whims. So, wherever you are and whatever you might be doing, o' disgraceful one, you have my utmost pity for being such a disappointment and for living such a miserable, sad life.

||Edit 2238, 210708 - Ok I know I said I won't delete the previous post but after much thought, it really is rather inappropriate. Why degrade myself to such a lowly level? So yes that post is taken down.||

Sunday 24 June 2007

Just because <3

I've come to realise that my blog doesn't contain any normal thing a blog should - blog quizzes/stuff! So here they are. Enjoy ~-^

Online Dating

Mingle2 - Online Dating


$5975.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth

Mingle2 - Online Dating


You Are The Hermit

You posses a great deal of wisdom and the ability to see people for who they are.
You are always looking ahead at the future, developing visions.
A loner, you tend to travel by yourself through life, seeking your own truth.
You don't crave material things or fancy titles. You have no baggage.

Your fortune:

It's possible that there is a unknown guiding figure in your life, ready to help you.
All you have to do is find this person and seek their advice.
It's also possible that you need to start seeking the meaning of your own life.
Either way, there's some deep thinking you need to undertake, and it needs to be done soon.

Your Mind is NC-17 Rated

You're mind is so filthy... you should should be washing every part of you out with soap.
If your thoughts can go dirty, they do. Almost everything is NC-17 to you!

Hee hee hee >D

Saturday 23 June 2007

Malaysian English standards...

Today when I was strolling around in the mall, I decided to visit Popular book store to enquire if they are still accepting pre-orders for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. So there I was, coming across one of the assistants, asking her about it. I said, "Excuse me, are you still accepting pre-orders for HP:DH(in full, of course. I'm just being lazy to type XP)?" She replied with, "Don't have yet." Well of course I know it isn't out yet. I'm an -ardent- fan for crying out loud. I thought she heard wrongly, so I repeated my question. This time, she answered with "I don't have." What the hell lady, what -don't- you have? I know you don't have the book, no one has the book except perhaps the publishers and Mrs. Rowling herself dammit. I gave her an exasperated look, said "It's okay then" and got out of there. Goodness, she couldn't even understand a simple sentence. People nowadays should take the initiative to at least familiarize themselves with the language. I don't mind if you speak broken English, at least answer me with something intelligible. I apologize if this post has offended anyone in particular, but if you are offended, it just proves that you are one of those who can't even string two words together properly.

Friday 22 June 2007

Abort the co-curricular marks system!

I am very displeased and whole-heartedly oppose to the Malaysian education system of allocating 10% of co-curriculum marks to determine whether or not someone manages to enter a public institute of higher learning (IPTA). I find it really unfair to those who are unable to score high curricular marks just because they can't involve themselves in major events. Not all parents are supportive of their child's activities in school. Even if the parents are supportive, not all students have transport ready for them. It is indeed hard, having to worry about your co-curricular performance and your academic performance. I scorn at the absurdity of this system.

Firesky Recommends <3

Heyho Firesky again with another post (since I currently have 2 hours access to the computer...). This time I'm going to recommend two objects which I am in love with - an eraser and mints (and no I do not get commissions for introducing these products).

First, let me talk(type?) about the lovable eraser - the Pilot Foam Eraser. I bought it in 'The Big Bookshop' in Gurney quite some time ago, and only used it today. And gosh, it's the most wonderful eraser I have ever used, even surpassing the Pentel eraser. You don't have to apply much pressure to erase, and the pencil marks comes off amazingly well. It costs RM1.80. "It's bloody expensive for an eraser, I can buy one for 20 cents!", you say? Well, okay. You can go and buy your 20 cents eraser and keep on erasing furiously and futilely. Oh yea, I forgot to mention, it's made in Japan. Not that it really means anything but yes I love Japan so... and yes I'm a tad bit biased.

This is the eraser to get.

Back view. There. Made in Japan :D

Moving on to the wondrous mints - Eclipse by Wrigleys. I was first introduced to this sugar (pun intended) by Riina during orientation week last month. I was mighty sleepy a that time, and the moment I popped one into my mouth, insta-refreshment! I bought the peppermint flavoured one, which is quite strong (as in, minty kind of strong). Very nice and refreshing nevertheless. It's price is quite high for Malaysian standards (especially for mints) though; RM 5.xx for 50 tablets. Which means it's roughly 10 cents for each tablet.

Eclipse mints - Powerful Fresh Breath.

Wednesday 20 June 2007


I just had a nightmare (this dawn?). No, not those "AHHHHHH DON'T KILL ME!!!!" or "I WANT MY MOMMY!!!!" nor is it the "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU PERVERT!" kind of nightmare. For most other people, they'd say I'm paranoid. Okay. Here goes. I dreamt about that friggin useless good for nothing excuse of a human DB -.- Why the eff must she even haunt me in my dreams?? I want a -pleasant- dream dammit, not one which is contaminated by the mere presence of that %^$#&^^$#^&!!! And it wasn't just her being in my dream, she did something VERY wrong to me. And she was all 'innocent goody-two-shoes oh look at me I'm an angel' that I could just slap her. Which I did in my dream. Well, not exactly slap, but I did shove her. And man did it feel good. But that wasn't enough punishment for her after what she did to me - both in real life and in my dream. Rot in hell, flutch.

Wednesday 13 June 2007

BM Koukou, Here I come!

Received the transfer letter on Tuesday. FINALLY! Was planning to go to BM Koukou a.k.a HSBM next Monday, but when I went to school Prasanna and Riina told me "Hey let's go to HSBM now". For a moment I was totally blank, then I went into /swt mode =.= So both of them, Tee Hooi and I went to settle stuff at Dato Onn and Prasanna drove us all to HSBM. The four of us felt pretty odd because we were wearing turquoise skirts as opposed to their uniform of dark blue skirts. So yeah we were the odd ones out. Prasanna and I were put in class PBC. Riina's class, PBB, is right beside mine <3>D The teachers here are pretty good. Our chem teacher is especially ghey /swt He kept pronouncing my name wrongly even though I corrected him countless times -___-lll But he's funny XP So overall I very much prefer this school to the school I was previously assigned to <3

Sunday 10 June 2007

Okairinasai, Yengie~

Yengie's back from Singapore today. Went out with Yengie, Shanie, Eburl Twin, Riina and an unexpected person - DB a.k.a Nyanya2 -.- We were supposed to go to Penang, but due to heavy traffic we went to Autocity instead. For the first time in my life, I went karaoke-ing with friends O.o We sang loads of ghey songs, mostly oldies XP And I just realised that YMCA is actually a ghey song >D Shanie and I changed it from YMCA to YAOI >D If you don't get what I'm saying, check out the lyrics for yourself : YMCA lyrics Read it careeefully ;D Riina and I sang "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt in our own "You are a Gay" version >D We enqueued some Japanese songs for the heck of it and realised that 99% of them are oldies =___=lll All in all we had quite alot of fun singing ghey songs gheyly XP Next we had dinner(?) at Swensons. I ordered a Caesar Salad and... it turned out to be massive @@ Heck, the fork and spoon were twice as large as a normal one O.o I'm not Hagrid for heaven's sake! Yengie's dad treated us to a bowl of ice-cream. Thanks uncle! After dinner, we headed back to Butterworth for... supper... because Yengie's dad said he wasn't full =____=lll So off we went to Chai Leng Park for 'Lok Lok'. They ate 'Davy Jones' while I just had some Veggies ^^ It was a very fun day, and we joked around quite alot. Oh and Yengie just couldn't stop ranting on and on about her Maths lecturer - Simon Leow (however you spell his last name) =.= We learnt a new err... song(?!) from her - all the way from Singapore :-

"Ping Pong ball, ping pong ball, hanging on the wall;
One big big, one small small, hanging on the wall;
Small one 20 cents, big one 50 cents,
If you want more big big one, also 50 cents~"
*Sing to the tune of Jingle Bell*

Interesting, eh?

Ice Cream. Yum~ 8D

My Caesar Salad.

The massive fork and spoon.

The comparison between a -normal- fork and the fork I used.

Group photo. Minna-san, say chii-zu! XP

Friday 25 May 2007


Lina and I came up with this stupid thing when I showed her Yuna in Kingdom Hearts 2. We realised that Yuna's outfit is very money saving - it's 2-in-1. We couldn't stop laughing over it. (Okay okay mostly -I- couldn't stop laughing)

Please excuse this very poorly recorded video. And yes I was on the verge of laughing out loud towards the end.

Tuesday 22 May 2007


Holy I just walked back from the night market located near my house, and I was literally drenched to the skin! It started with a light drizzle. Thank god I actually brought an umbrella. The rain grew steadily heavier by the minute, and by the time I was heading home with my purchase (a loaf of bread), the bottom of my jeans were clinging to my shins. How miserable. But truth be told, it was actually pretty fun walking in a downpour once in a while :D I actually wanted to go to the pharmacy but decided against it, considering the fact that it was raining cats and dogs. Hey, I'm not some irrational freak - I knew the results would be horrendous if I ever went to the pharmacy. But what the hell, is it just coincidence, or is there another force trying to stop me from going to the pharmacy? I had the chance to go to one when I went for tuition, but the lesson was almost starting. And my dad was waiting for me after class. THEN rain poured down when I wanted to go there later on. This is... ghey -_-

|| Firesky - out ||

Sunday 20 May 2007

My right hand is officially dead

Because of KH2 Final Mix+ -___-lll I was playing in 'Cave of Remembrance', and had to use a lot of brain and hand to get through. Finally, just when I was about to reach the Final Door, there were this huge ass amount of irritating nobodies whom you had to defeat in order to get through. Holy mother of cows, they kept regenerating! I fought for almost 10 minutes (imagine that, bashing the joypad for 10 minutes straight), and then I died. Yes, died. Just like that. And then I had to re-fight all those nobodies all over again D: The second time, I bashed my joypad for another 10 minutes, and then I died. Again. I swear, my hands (especially righty) was screaming bloody murder. That's it. Firesky abruptly changes into berserk mode. Cracking my knuckles, taking a deep breath, I prepared myself (mentally and physically) for yet another battle. And at last, after another 5 minutes of bashing, I emerged victorious! Ah, revenge is sweet <3 Conclusion : Firesky HAS to be in berserk mode when playing games.

|| Worn out Firesky - out ||

Thursday 17 May 2007

What. The. Eff

[First off I would like to warn readers that this is most probably a highly biased post, all written in my opinion. Don't like what you read, disagree, flames, do whatever you want to do, but I'm not going to give a damn. And I'm not a racist. I just don't like how things are going on -there-.]

Okay seriously this is absurd. In season 4 of American Idol, they made that byatch Carrie Underwood (which I have the pleasure of calling her Curry Underworld) the Idol, instead of Bo Bice, who, in my opinion, is very much better than her. In season 5, Chris Daughtry, THE most deserving to acclaim title of Idol, was booted off during the Final Four. And now, in season 6, Melinda Doolitle who is definitely the best singer this season, didn't even manage a place in the Finale. COME ON!!! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THE SHOW??? THERE HAS GOT TO BE A GLITCH SOMEWHERE!! I mean, for THREE consecutive seasons great singers didn't get the title they all deserved. This is utter nonsense! Oh for heaven's sake, this show is starting to get hopeless. Okay yes I do support/like Blake Lewis but between him and Melinda, Melinda's the champ. And no I do not like Jordin. Yes she might have a big voice, but I don't really like her personality. Sorry, but as I said before, this is all based on my opinions. And since Melinda's out of the picture now, which is highly unfortunate, I'm definitely rooting for Blake. There. I've had my say. Now you can boo me all you want.

|| Extremely frustrated Firesky - out ||

Monday 14 May 2007


Okay I know I've been away for quite awhile now, but I was away. From the comp. It all started last Tuesday when my mom's game wasn't really functioning, so she thought that something was wrong with the harddisk and needed reformatting. I didn't think so because EVERYTHING ELSE was working perfectly fine, except for her game. Besides, I just reformatted the computer the previous day, so how in the name of cows could something be wrong with the comp less than 24 hours later? So err... an argument broke out: I wasn't in a good mood, she wasn't in a good mood, so... BOOM. I was effing pissed off that I had to reformat the WHOLE computer, including my precious E drive where I've saved my Chain of Memories file. If I reformat it, I'd have to play it ALL OVER AGAIN. That's absurd, don't you think? Plus, -she- said that if I keep on refusing to fix the comp for her she'll ban me from using the comp. So yeah at last I was friggin pissed off and decided to be bratty and didn't use the computer for the past few days even though -she- didn't really ban me from using it. But err... after second thoughts, why shouldn't I use the comp? I have a RIGHT to use it. But I've come to a conclusion : Computers aren't meant to be shared. It's meant to be used by only ONE person, hence the name PC a.k.a 'Personal Computer'.

||Firesky - out||

Tuesday 8 May 2007

I guess I know how he must have felt...

I was reading KH manga, and came across the scene where Riku found Sora in Traverse Town. Riku must have felt pretty much left out when he saw Sora so close with Donald and Goofy. Then Maleficent had to instigate Riku by telling him "While you toiled away trying to find your dear friend, he simply replaced you with some new companions. Evidently, he values them far more than he does you, now." When I was reading that, I was compelled to say "No, that's not true!" but something held me back. Had I said so, I'd be a hypocrite, because honestly speaking, I'd have felt the same way Riku did. I can't just be all happy if a (close) friend of mine introduced me to his/her friends. I'm not that kind of bubbly, 'hyper socializable' person. I would feel very left out. And that's the way I feel right now.

||Firesky - out||


Gargh WTFH I was doing a (long) survey in Friendster and I had reached question number 30 something and I accidentally closed the browser WTHHHHHHHHH D: I give up T_T Keyboard shortcuts are disastrous sometimes T________T

(Yes this is extremely random)

Saturday 5 May 2007

American Idol Rock Week 8D

Wednesday was Rock Week for them American Idol finalists(Yes yes I know today is Friday). Their mentor was Bon Jovi, so naturally they had to sing Bon Jovi songs. Surprisingly, most of them did really well, considering the fact that none of them are rockers. The two contestants who stood out the most (to me, as far as it goes) were Blake Lewis and Melinda Doolittle. Blake sang 'You Give Love a Bad Name' and made it his own, as in, he totally 'modernized' the song. Simon Cowell even gave him top marks for taking a risk. Melinda, on the other hand, sang 'Have a Nice Day'. She's an all-rounder. The way she sang it, you would have thought she's a rock-star - the judges even compared her to Tina Turner. And yes I'm a fan of both of them <3

Blake's "You Give Love a Bad Name"

Melinda's "Have a Nice Day"

Friday 4 May 2007

[Obligatory] Introduction

Moi Diciassette Jahre. Title of my blog. 'What does it mean?' You silently question. Why did Firesky name her blog with a weird, nonsensical arrangement of alphabets? Now, to answer your question. First of all, it is NOT a random set of alphabets. It actually means something. Moi means 'me' in French. Diciassette means 'seventeen' in Italian, while Jahre means 'years' in German. Ah... we're going somewhere now, aren't we? Put them all together and it literally means 'Me, seventeen years'. Why seventeen? Because I'm seventeen, you dumbass. So basically I named this blog as such to celebrate me and my seventeen years of living. What's that? What's the plus sign doing in front of 'Moi'? Well obviously I'm not going to post in this blog only when I'm still seventeen, now am I? Got the answer? Good. For those of you who haven't, feel free to ponder upon this until you manage to see the answer. It's good for the brains, I promise.

#1 : Now, I do realise that have used a rather offensive word, i.e dumbass. To those of you who know me in real life, I expect you know that that's my style of talking. To those who don't, however, I would like to tell you firsthand that my choice of words/speech is rather... interesting, if you get what I mean. I'm also a somewhat sarcastic person. I would never, however, directly mean to insult anyone. I hope I have made myself clear.

#2 : If you want to flame me for a post for whatever reasons, I want you to know that those flames will be used to make myself a hot cup of coffee, or something equivalent. I know that conflicts may occur due to the differences in our point of views, but don't you think it would be nicer and more civilized to argue/criticize constructively rather than rave like a lunatic? Yes, think about that.

||Firesky - out||

Another blog - AGAIN???!

Yes, this is the same ol' Firesky. THE Firesky that first had a blog on LJ, then on MSN spaces, then Yahoo 360, Friendster, I even had one blog hosted here, on blogspot, and now I'm creating yet another blog. The one blog I updated most was on LJ, but no one seems to ever read it so... it's more like a personal blog anyway. Okay fine, I admit I'm somewhat of a procrastinator, I haven't been constantly updating. More importantly, I'm not much of a blogger. So what the nya am I creating another blog for? You might ask. Well, I've made up my mind to stick to one, final blog. This. And kindly do not flame/sue me if I do not constantly update. I'm starting school again in 2 week's time, and this saintly computer of mine has been abducted by the eburl forces of compiedoom known as my mom.

A/N : Yes I do realise I've been using the word 'blog' for... close to 10 times in one single post. But tell me, what word can I use to substitute it?

||Firesky - out.||