Tuesday 22 May 2007


Holy I just walked back from the night market located near my house, and I was literally drenched to the skin! It started with a light drizzle. Thank god I actually brought an umbrella. The rain grew steadily heavier by the minute, and by the time I was heading home with my purchase (a loaf of bread), the bottom of my jeans were clinging to my shins. How miserable. But truth be told, it was actually pretty fun walking in a downpour once in a while :D I actually wanted to go to the pharmacy but decided against it, considering the fact that it was raining cats and dogs. Hey, I'm not some irrational freak - I knew the results would be horrendous if I ever went to the pharmacy. But what the hell, is it just coincidence, or is there another force trying to stop me from going to the pharmacy? I had the chance to go to one when I went for tuition, but the lesson was almost starting. And my dad was waiting for me after class. THEN rain poured down when I wanted to go there later on. This is... ghey -_-

|| Firesky - out ||

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