Friday 4 May 2007

[Obligatory] Introduction

Moi Diciassette Jahre. Title of my blog. 'What does it mean?' You silently question. Why did Firesky name her blog with a weird, nonsensical arrangement of alphabets? Now, to answer your question. First of all, it is NOT a random set of alphabets. It actually means something. Moi means 'me' in French. Diciassette means 'seventeen' in Italian, while Jahre means 'years' in German. Ah... we're going somewhere now, aren't we? Put them all together and it literally means 'Me, seventeen years'. Why seventeen? Because I'm seventeen, you dumbass. So basically I named this blog as such to celebrate me and my seventeen years of living. What's that? What's the plus sign doing in front of 'Moi'? Well obviously I'm not going to post in this blog only when I'm still seventeen, now am I? Got the answer? Good. For those of you who haven't, feel free to ponder upon this until you manage to see the answer. It's good for the brains, I promise.

#1 : Now, I do realise that have used a rather offensive word, i.e dumbass. To those of you who know me in real life, I expect you know that that's my style of talking. To those who don't, however, I would like to tell you firsthand that my choice of words/speech is rather... interesting, if you get what I mean. I'm also a somewhat sarcastic person. I would never, however, directly mean to insult anyone. I hope I have made myself clear.

#2 : If you want to flame me for a post for whatever reasons, I want you to know that those flames will be used to make myself a hot cup of coffee, or something equivalent. I know that conflicts may occur due to the differences in our point of views, but don't you think it would be nicer and more civilized to argue/criticize constructively rather than rave like a lunatic? Yes, think about that.

||Firesky - out||

2 voices:

KyonMin said...

hey you nyanya
why don't u stick to one blog?
*runs away*

Slaps firesky succeed!


Firesky said...

Just because, ghey freak. Just because XP
*deflects piak*
Deflection of lina's slap succeeds!
Hooo!~ >D