Wednesday 13 June 2007

BM Koukou, Here I come!

Received the transfer letter on Tuesday. FINALLY! Was planning to go to BM Koukou a.k.a HSBM next Monday, but when I went to school Prasanna and Riina told me "Hey let's go to HSBM now". For a moment I was totally blank, then I went into /swt mode =.= So both of them, Tee Hooi and I went to settle stuff at Dato Onn and Prasanna drove us all to HSBM. The four of us felt pretty odd because we were wearing turquoise skirts as opposed to their uniform of dark blue skirts. So yeah we were the odd ones out. Prasanna and I were put in class PBC. Riina's class, PBB, is right beside mine <3>D The teachers here are pretty good. Our chem teacher is especially ghey /swt He kept pronouncing my name wrongly even though I corrected him countless times -___-lll But he's funny XP So overall I very much prefer this school to the school I was previously assigned to <3

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