Friday 22 June 2007

Firesky Recommends <3

Heyho Firesky again with another post (since I currently have 2 hours access to the computer...). This time I'm going to recommend two objects which I am in love with - an eraser and mints (and no I do not get commissions for introducing these products).

First, let me talk(type?) about the lovable eraser - the Pilot Foam Eraser. I bought it in 'The Big Bookshop' in Gurney quite some time ago, and only used it today. And gosh, it's the most wonderful eraser I have ever used, even surpassing the Pentel eraser. You don't have to apply much pressure to erase, and the pencil marks comes off amazingly well. It costs RM1.80. "It's bloody expensive for an eraser, I can buy one for 20 cents!", you say? Well, okay. You can go and buy your 20 cents eraser and keep on erasing furiously and futilely. Oh yea, I forgot to mention, it's made in Japan. Not that it really means anything but yes I love Japan so... and yes I'm a tad bit biased.

This is the eraser to get.

Back view. There. Made in Japan :D

Moving on to the wondrous mints - Eclipse by Wrigleys. I was first introduced to this sugar (pun intended) by Riina during orientation week last month. I was mighty sleepy a that time, and the moment I popped one into my mouth, insta-refreshment! I bought the peppermint flavoured one, which is quite strong (as in, minty kind of strong). Very nice and refreshing nevertheless. It's price is quite high for Malaysian standards (especially for mints) though; RM 5.xx for 50 tablets. Which means it's roughly 10 cents for each tablet.

Eclipse mints - Powerful Fresh Breath.

3 voices:

Yumimi said...

Those r da last two things dat come to my mind when i think about u promoting stuff X_X but it was nevertheless interesting XD

KyonMin said...

WINTERFROST mints so much better okie?! xD

Firesky said...

Well, it was out of stock, OKAY?? XP