Sunday 10 June 2007

Okairinasai, Yengie~

Yengie's back from Singapore today. Went out with Yengie, Shanie, Eburl Twin, Riina and an unexpected person - DB a.k.a Nyanya2 -.- We were supposed to go to Penang, but due to heavy traffic we went to Autocity instead. For the first time in my life, I went karaoke-ing with friends O.o We sang loads of ghey songs, mostly oldies XP And I just realised that YMCA is actually a ghey song >D Shanie and I changed it from YMCA to YAOI >D If you don't get what I'm saying, check out the lyrics for yourself : YMCA lyrics Read it careeefully ;D Riina and I sang "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt in our own "You are a Gay" version >D We enqueued some Japanese songs for the heck of it and realised that 99% of them are oldies =___=lll All in all we had quite alot of fun singing ghey songs gheyly XP Next we had dinner(?) at Swensons. I ordered a Caesar Salad and... it turned out to be massive @@ Heck, the fork and spoon were twice as large as a normal one O.o I'm not Hagrid for heaven's sake! Yengie's dad treated us to a bowl of ice-cream. Thanks uncle! After dinner, we headed back to Butterworth for... supper... because Yengie's dad said he wasn't full =____=lll So off we went to Chai Leng Park for 'Lok Lok'. They ate 'Davy Jones' while I just had some Veggies ^^ It was a very fun day, and we joked around quite alot. Oh and Yengie just couldn't stop ranting on and on about her Maths lecturer - Simon Leow (however you spell his last name) =.= We learnt a new err... song(?!) from her - all the way from Singapore :-

"Ping Pong ball, ping pong ball, hanging on the wall;
One big big, one small small, hanging on the wall;
Small one 20 cents, big one 50 cents,
If you want more big big one, also 50 cents~"
*Sing to the tune of Jingle Bell*

Interesting, eh?

Ice Cream. Yum~ 8D

My Caesar Salad.

The massive fork and spoon.

The comparison between a -normal- fork and the fork I used.

Group photo. Minna-san, say chii-zu! XP

2 voices:

KyonMin said...

Oh my oh my! Loved this post! If only the DB din come. Sigh..

Firesky said...

Yeah exactly! I was dumbfounded when I saw her in Yengie's car -.-