Saturday 23 June 2007

Malaysian English standards...

Today when I was strolling around in the mall, I decided to visit Popular book store to enquire if they are still accepting pre-orders for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. So there I was, coming across one of the assistants, asking her about it. I said, "Excuse me, are you still accepting pre-orders for HP:DH(in full, of course. I'm just being lazy to type XP)?" She replied with, "Don't have yet." Well of course I know it isn't out yet. I'm an -ardent- fan for crying out loud. I thought she heard wrongly, so I repeated my question. This time, she answered with "I don't have." What the hell lady, what -don't- you have? I know you don't have the book, no one has the book except perhaps the publishers and Mrs. Rowling herself dammit. I gave her an exasperated look, said "It's okay then" and got out of there. Goodness, she couldn't even understand a simple sentence. People nowadays should take the initiative to at least familiarize themselves with the language. I don't mind if you speak broken English, at least answer me with something intelligible. I apologize if this post has offended anyone in particular, but if you are offended, it just proves that you are one of those who can't even string two words together properly.

2 voices:

G.G 2020 said...

Hey, hi, helloo...

Firesky said...

Hello to you too :D