Friday 13 July 2007

Not up to my expectations...

Just watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with mum and Riina after school. And yes you've expected it - I was most displeased with how the movie turned out. They changed practically -everything-! Only certain parts remained true to the books. I don't suppose I'd rant on -all- the differences. Well, I could, but that'd just take about 700 pages. You wouldn't want that, now would you? But I must say, the part which disappointed me the most was Snape's memory. "Snape's Worst Memory" has got to be one of my favourite chapters in the book, and the movie did it no justice whatsoever. How Harry saw Snape's past was wrongly done. Harry saw Snape's past in the -pensieve-, not by repelling Snape's curse with "Protego!". Harry saw a young Snape crying while his parents were arguing and shooting flies in a room when he did that. But no, the movie decided that Harry was to see Snape being tormented by James at that moment. That was still tolerable. What -wasn't- tolerable was the fact that my favourite part in the book was only given approximately ten seconds on film. Snape's memory IS the main reason I was so looking forward to this movie. And I couldn't even see the good-looking young Snape properly. It was all over in a matter of seconds. Worse still, I didn't even manage to make out which one was the young Sirius. I was very put off by this. Draco Malfoy made a rather pitiful amount of appearance in the movie, too. I was hoping to see more of Draco, and was yet again let down. The film makers could have done better with the Department of Mysteries scene. The movie only portrayed the Hall of Prophecy and the Death Chamber, effortlessly leaving out the 'brain room', 'time room' and not to mention the revolving doors. The battle could've been much better, really. Ah, one thing the film makers messed up big time - wizards wear -robes- to work, not suits. And if you thought Harry was moody in the movie, read the book and feel Harry's wrath full force. Still, I have to give some credit to the movie. The graphics were absolutely stunning (save the fact that the Thestrals were golden brown instead of black and had no mane whatsoever, and that Grawp wasn't exactly how I pictured him to be) and I have to grudgingly admit that it makes a rather good movie if you hadn't read the book. I forgot to mention that Imelda Staunton made a highly convincing Umbridge. I despised her in the book, and I despised her almost as much in the movie. Everything, from Staunton's expression, intonation and her annoying smile reminded me of Umbridge, apart from the fact that the Umbridge I had in mind was much more toady-looking. Evanna Lynch played her part as Luna Lovegood relatively well, too, what with her dreamy expression and voice. On the whole, this movie is rather fun to watch if you aren't a Harry Potter reader, but ultimately disappointing if you are an avid fan of the books (They left out Quidditch, how could they?). My verdict : 3.7/10 compared to the book, 7.8/10 for the movie alone.

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