Tuesday 10 July 2007

A Detailed Study of Harry Potter

Was sitting in bio class, feeling extremely drowsy (Our bio teacher is the reincarnation of Professor Binns, trust me), so I decided to do something to wake myself up - list down all my speculations on the final Harry Potter book. Here they are :-

#1 - More torturing for Umbridge! Oh, how I'd love to see (read?) her suffer! That old toad! >D

#2 - Alice and Frank Longbottom somehow recovers a little and take part in the final battle. Gosh, maybe Neville's the one ending up dead!

#3 - Luna has an important/interesting past which turned her into the dreamy/eccentric girl that she is.

#4 - The reason Dumbledore trusts Snape so is because... I have no idea =o= *loud boos + random stuff flies in my direction*

#5 - Harry's not going to die. Ron/Ginny died in his place (as in, became a shield so they died instead of Harry). This is what made Jo Rowling so upset. An act of pure friendship! Maybe Harry's going to get another scar?

#6 - Viktor Krum makes yet another appearance. Hmm... how'd Ron react, I wonder? ~-^

#7 - Harry returns to Godric's Hollow and stays there when he comes of age. Perhaps a horcrux will be found there? Maybe Harry -isn't- the horcrux after all, but You-know-who left a horcrux there while cursing Harry?

#8 - If Harry is indeed a horcrux, he definitely needs to destroy himself before destroying You-know-who. Maybe he kills himself and someone else, most probably Ron or Hermione finishes You-know-who straight after that.

#9 - The final battle will take place in the archway (Death Chamber) in the Ministry of Magic.

#10 - Everyone from the DA (okay maybe not -everyone-) joins the Order and helps Harry in his battle.

#11 - There is more to Dumbledore than meets the eye. He was in so much pain when he drank the liquid in The Cave where the horcrux was. What could he have possibly experienced that tortured him so?

#12 - Regarding #4, it has something to do with the prophecy... I'm sure of it!

#13 - The chamber with the archway is named 'The Death Chamber'. Could it possibly mean that death is being studied there? The name 'Death Chamber' sounds like a statement that Sirius is indeed dead.

#14 - However, Lupic did say "He can't come back, because he's d-". Harry cut him off, saying "He's not dead!". But the thing is, Lupin never did finish his sentence. 'D-' could easily stand for 'disappeared'.

#15 - Sybill Trelawney will make yet another prediction/prophecy before the battle.

#16 - Aunt Petunia and Lily Evans are important keys to the story. Perhaps Aunt Petunia knows more than she's letting on - she could even remember Dementors.

#17 - Lupin didn't consume the potion and changes into a werewolf, hence he had no idea what he's doing and ended up hurting somebody [highly unlikely]

#18 - Death is indeed studied in the Death Chamber! Nearly Headless Nick said so! (OoTP, pg. 759) So maybe the veil contains spirits trapped there? And Luna did say that her mother is 'behind the veil'. Maybe all the dead are there? Which means Sirius might be dead, but not -gone-. [highly possible]

That's all I could think up of... for now anyway. Will add on more in the future if I can think of any! Kindly comment if you agree/disagree with me <3

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