Friday 25 May 2007


Lina and I came up with this stupid thing when I showed her Yuna in Kingdom Hearts 2. We realised that Yuna's outfit is very money saving - it's 2-in-1. We couldn't stop laughing over it. (Okay okay mostly -I- couldn't stop laughing)

Please excuse this very poorly recorded video. And yes I was on the verge of laughing out loud towards the end.

Tuesday 22 May 2007


Holy I just walked back from the night market located near my house, and I was literally drenched to the skin! It started with a light drizzle. Thank god I actually brought an umbrella. The rain grew steadily heavier by the minute, and by the time I was heading home with my purchase (a loaf of bread), the bottom of my jeans were clinging to my shins. How miserable. But truth be told, it was actually pretty fun walking in a downpour once in a while :D I actually wanted to go to the pharmacy but decided against it, considering the fact that it was raining cats and dogs. Hey, I'm not some irrational freak - I knew the results would be horrendous if I ever went to the pharmacy. But what the hell, is it just coincidence, or is there another force trying to stop me from going to the pharmacy? I had the chance to go to one when I went for tuition, but the lesson was almost starting. And my dad was waiting for me after class. THEN rain poured down when I wanted to go there later on. This is... ghey -_-

|| Firesky - out ||

Sunday 20 May 2007

My right hand is officially dead

Because of KH2 Final Mix+ -___-lll I was playing in 'Cave of Remembrance', and had to use a lot of brain and hand to get through. Finally, just when I was about to reach the Final Door, there were this huge ass amount of irritating nobodies whom you had to defeat in order to get through. Holy mother of cows, they kept regenerating! I fought for almost 10 minutes (imagine that, bashing the joypad for 10 minutes straight), and then I died. Yes, died. Just like that. And then I had to re-fight all those nobodies all over again D: The second time, I bashed my joypad for another 10 minutes, and then I died. Again. I swear, my hands (especially righty) was screaming bloody murder. That's it. Firesky abruptly changes into berserk mode. Cracking my knuckles, taking a deep breath, I prepared myself (mentally and physically) for yet another battle. And at last, after another 5 minutes of bashing, I emerged victorious! Ah, revenge is sweet <3 Conclusion : Firesky HAS to be in berserk mode when playing games.

|| Worn out Firesky - out ||

Thursday 17 May 2007

What. The. Eff

[First off I would like to warn readers that this is most probably a highly biased post, all written in my opinion. Don't like what you read, disagree, flames, do whatever you want to do, but I'm not going to give a damn. And I'm not a racist. I just don't like how things are going on -there-.]

Okay seriously this is absurd. In season 4 of American Idol, they made that byatch Carrie Underwood (which I have the pleasure of calling her Curry Underworld) the Idol, instead of Bo Bice, who, in my opinion, is very much better than her. In season 5, Chris Daughtry, THE most deserving to acclaim title of Idol, was booted off during the Final Four. And now, in season 6, Melinda Doolitle who is definitely the best singer this season, didn't even manage a place in the Finale. COME ON!!! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THE SHOW??? THERE HAS GOT TO BE A GLITCH SOMEWHERE!! I mean, for THREE consecutive seasons great singers didn't get the title they all deserved. This is utter nonsense! Oh for heaven's sake, this show is starting to get hopeless. Okay yes I do support/like Blake Lewis but between him and Melinda, Melinda's the champ. And no I do not like Jordin. Yes she might have a big voice, but I don't really like her personality. Sorry, but as I said before, this is all based on my opinions. And since Melinda's out of the picture now, which is highly unfortunate, I'm definitely rooting for Blake. There. I've had my say. Now you can boo me all you want.

|| Extremely frustrated Firesky - out ||

Monday 14 May 2007


Okay I know I've been away for quite awhile now, but I was away. From the comp. It all started last Tuesday when my mom's game wasn't really functioning, so she thought that something was wrong with the harddisk and needed reformatting. I didn't think so because EVERYTHING ELSE was working perfectly fine, except for her game. Besides, I just reformatted the computer the previous day, so how in the name of cows could something be wrong with the comp less than 24 hours later? So err... an argument broke out: I wasn't in a good mood, she wasn't in a good mood, so... BOOM. I was effing pissed off that I had to reformat the WHOLE computer, including my precious E drive where I've saved my Chain of Memories file. If I reformat it, I'd have to play it ALL OVER AGAIN. That's absurd, don't you think? Plus, -she- said that if I keep on refusing to fix the comp for her she'll ban me from using the comp. So yeah at last I was friggin pissed off and decided to be bratty and didn't use the computer for the past few days even though -she- didn't really ban me from using it. But err... after second thoughts, why shouldn't I use the comp? I have a RIGHT to use it. But I've come to a conclusion : Computers aren't meant to be shared. It's meant to be used by only ONE person, hence the name PC a.k.a 'Personal Computer'.

||Firesky - out||

Tuesday 8 May 2007

I guess I know how he must have felt...

I was reading KH manga, and came across the scene where Riku found Sora in Traverse Town. Riku must have felt pretty much left out when he saw Sora so close with Donald and Goofy. Then Maleficent had to instigate Riku by telling him "While you toiled away trying to find your dear friend, he simply replaced you with some new companions. Evidently, he values them far more than he does you, now." When I was reading that, I was compelled to say "No, that's not true!" but something held me back. Had I said so, I'd be a hypocrite, because honestly speaking, I'd have felt the same way Riku did. I can't just be all happy if a (close) friend of mine introduced me to his/her friends. I'm not that kind of bubbly, 'hyper socializable' person. I would feel very left out. And that's the way I feel right now.

||Firesky - out||


Gargh WTFH I was doing a (long) survey in Friendster and I had reached question number 30 something and I accidentally closed the browser WTHHHHHHHHH D: I give up T_T Keyboard shortcuts are disastrous sometimes T________T

(Yes this is extremely random)

Saturday 5 May 2007

American Idol Rock Week 8D

Wednesday was Rock Week for them American Idol finalists(Yes yes I know today is Friday). Their mentor was Bon Jovi, so naturally they had to sing Bon Jovi songs. Surprisingly, most of them did really well, considering the fact that none of them are rockers. The two contestants who stood out the most (to me, as far as it goes) were Blake Lewis and Melinda Doolittle. Blake sang 'You Give Love a Bad Name' and made it his own, as in, he totally 'modernized' the song. Simon Cowell even gave him top marks for taking a risk. Melinda, on the other hand, sang 'Have a Nice Day'. She's an all-rounder. The way she sang it, you would have thought she's a rock-star - the judges even compared her to Tina Turner. And yes I'm a fan of both of them <3

Blake's "You Give Love a Bad Name"

Melinda's "Have a Nice Day"

Friday 4 May 2007

[Obligatory] Introduction

Moi Diciassette Jahre. Title of my blog. 'What does it mean?' You silently question. Why did Firesky name her blog with a weird, nonsensical arrangement of alphabets? Now, to answer your question. First of all, it is NOT a random set of alphabets. It actually means something. Moi means 'me' in French. Diciassette means 'seventeen' in Italian, while Jahre means 'years' in German. Ah... we're going somewhere now, aren't we? Put them all together and it literally means 'Me, seventeen years'. Why seventeen? Because I'm seventeen, you dumbass. So basically I named this blog as such to celebrate me and my seventeen years of living. What's that? What's the plus sign doing in front of 'Moi'? Well obviously I'm not going to post in this blog only when I'm still seventeen, now am I? Got the answer? Good. For those of you who haven't, feel free to ponder upon this until you manage to see the answer. It's good for the brains, I promise.

#1 : Now, I do realise that have used a rather offensive word, i.e dumbass. To those of you who know me in real life, I expect you know that that's my style of talking. To those who don't, however, I would like to tell you firsthand that my choice of words/speech is rather... interesting, if you get what I mean. I'm also a somewhat sarcastic person. I would never, however, directly mean to insult anyone. I hope I have made myself clear.

#2 : If you want to flame me for a post for whatever reasons, I want you to know that those flames will be used to make myself a hot cup of coffee, or something equivalent. I know that conflicts may occur due to the differences in our point of views, but don't you think it would be nicer and more civilized to argue/criticize constructively rather than rave like a lunatic? Yes, think about that.

||Firesky - out||

Another blog - AGAIN???!

Yes, this is the same ol' Firesky. THE Firesky that first had a blog on LJ, then on MSN spaces, then Yahoo 360, Friendster, I even had one blog hosted here, on blogspot, and now I'm creating yet another blog. The one blog I updated most was on LJ, but no one seems to ever read it so... it's more like a personal blog anyway. Okay fine, I admit I'm somewhat of a procrastinator, I haven't been constantly updating. More importantly, I'm not much of a blogger. So what the nya am I creating another blog for? You might ask. Well, I've made up my mind to stick to one, final blog. This. And kindly do not flame/sue me if I do not constantly update. I'm starting school again in 2 week's time, and this saintly computer of mine has been abducted by the eburl forces of compiedoom known as my mom.

A/N : Yes I do realise I've been using the word 'blog' for... close to 10 times in one single post. But tell me, what word can I use to substitute it?

||Firesky - out.||