Sunday 27 July 2008

Why so serious?

Today is our school's Co-curricular day, more like a canteen day. It was.... boring, as usual. I shouldn't have went so early, seeing as how I wasted 1 hour doing nothing -_- But anyway, my Mei Yan and Tai Kam came over XD Haven't seen them in AGES *__* Took some group photos and camwhored together rofll XPXP Nothing much happened when we were in school, just caught up with each other, then planned to 'cabut' early and watch The Dark Knight in Sunway XD I left at about 12.00 p.m, and met them at Sunway at about 12.30. Thought of watching the 12.50 show, but apparently we got our information wrong - the earliest show was at 11.50, and the next show is at 2.45 -_- So we waited. Lina had to drive home first as her mom needed the car, so the three of us hung around. Come to think of it, this is the first time I went shopping with Mei Yan and Tai Kam O.o And I realised that Mei Yan and I have almost the same taste in clothing nfufu >P We even tried on winter clothing O.o IT WAS SO COOL XDDD The winter coats, I mean @x@ But as much as I loved it, it's... nonsensical, isn't it, to buy winter clothing when I'm living in a tropical country =O= I'll evaporate in them =______= Anyway, it was 2.30 very soon, so the three of us plus Lina who came back headed towards the cinema in anticipation of The Dark Knight >D
I'll try to express my thoughts on the show as spoiler-free as possible ^^ And I suck at writing summaries/reviews so please bear with me x_x
This is the best movie I've watched this year. Funny, I wasn't exactly a Batman fan until now. Okay okay so perhaps I was gaga over it back when I was a kiddo, but the 2005 'Batman Begins' movie didn't exactly make me swoon over it. I have no idea why I was so looking forward to this movie myself. Perhaps it's because of the fact that Joker's one of my favourite characters in Batman? And he looked mighty sinister in the trailers. Plus he is played by the late Heath Ledger. Yup. It is most probably because of those reasons that made me want to watch The Dark Knight so much. And I must say, this is one fantastic movie. Heath Ledger played his role of The Joker amazingly well. Make-up? Check. Malicious cackle? Check. Deranged mastermind? Check. The very beginning itself could even make you shudder as the fate of a random character is left to your imagination. So you can imagine that the movie leaves you on the edge of your seat for the whole 150 minutes. I especially loved The Joker (duh) with his choice of words, his actions, and most of all, his brilliant mind - the way he plans everything (I would very much love to have an intellectual conversation with him if it were possible *____*). Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne a.k.a Batman is rather hot too XP (Yes I am very well aware that this isn't exactly appropriate for a summary/review but hey! I'm free to express my opinions okay? XP) And he's so friggin loaded it makes me sick :S And me being me, I don't like Rachel -_- I'm so happy that she- Oh, I almost gave a spoiler there ;P I'd give The Dark Knight a 9.4/10 rating <3 The storyline is good, the actors were amazing, the graphics were stunning. What more could you ask for? It's filled with LOADS of explosions and car wrecks (I actually almost screamed out loud when Bruce Wayne's Lamborghini went crash T____T). I love this movie so much that I'm planning to go for a round 2, and perhaps even buy the DVD ;D A word of caution : This movie is NOT meant for little kiddies, senior citizens and those with a faint heart.

Tuesday 22 July 2008

New Class!~

Fufufufu the new building in my school is finally complete! Though some construction work is still going on @@ Anyway, the point is my class, PAC, has finally shifted to the new block :D It's located on the ground floor, so we needn't climb those excruciating steps anymore kyufufu >D Most of us were pretty much excited to transfer >w< Thank heavens we needn't carry our own tables. Seriously, those from the arts stream had to carry their own tables, and they're located on the second floor O.o Imagine that. The class is relatively small though, but it's cozy enough for the 15 of us :D I took some photos of my ex-class (the one with the 'emo window' and a view of an 'emo tree') for remembrance :D Will upload the pictures later on tho @@ The best thing about shifting is that we won't be sharing classes anymore, so it is finally free from the evil clutches of the highly annoying midgets afternoon kids, and the class wouldn't be in such a huge mess any longer XD Honestly, those midgets kids have been terrorising our poor class with a massive load of rubbish -.- Papers were strewn everywhere, bits of chalk can be found littering the teacher's desk and the area surrounding it, and so forth. I've had about enough of them, I tell you. One drawback, though. It's situated near a toilet which we cannot even use. Apparently it's only for the teachers' usage. Sadness.