Saturday 26 January 2008

School was pure crack >D

Okayyyyyyyyyy......... I know I've...... died hibernated for an.... appallingly long time *dodges random objects* but err.... I just wasn't in the mood to blog =o= I still prefer writing down my thoughts with classic pencil and paper <3 But yah I'm in a rather jovial mood today so.... tee hee XP;;

Okay so today, a SATURDAY, happens to be a schooling day. A day to do 'community services'(yeah right... it was the classic 'gotong-royong' which every schoolchildren in Malaysia is obligated to participate in at least once in their lifetime). I was 'stationed' in my own class (yay?) and had to wrap/cover the desks with linoleum sheets. At first we almost died, trying to hammer in nails and even thumbtacks to secure them sheets. Oh did I mention that there were only THREE GIRLS cleaning up the class initially? So after a good... half an hour of fruitless hammering, Bone and I decided we had had enough and tried to scout for... more reliable items such as masking tape/double sided tape. Thank goodness the 'Koperasi' was open. So we bought a good deal of stuff, and resumed our mission of securing linoleum sheets. Voilla! It was at least 10X easier than hammering on and on. And it was stuck on rather well too. I tell you, I've had enough hammering to last me a lifetime. I was supposed to secure some ghey cloth on a table in the library with THUMBTACKS and a HAMMER yesterday -_-lll I mean liek jeez, a thumbtack is -fragile-, you know? How did the teacher expect us to hammer in thumbtacks? But I managed to complete my task(amidst much cursing and a throbbing thumb) rather fine. Anygayy... yah I successfully stuck them linoleum sheets on the tables while the others tried to... decorate the notice board. Miss P a.k.a Yumimi came to our class later on. Took some crack photos when everyone started feeling bleh-ed out due to overworking XP;;